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Microsoft Looking To Acquire Discord

If The Deal Goes Through, It Could Be As Much As $10 Billion
by Oliver VanDervoort on March 25, 2021   

A new report from Game Informer claims that Microsoft could be on the verge of another major acquisition. This time around, the massive company could be looking to absorb the social media site, Discord. 

Murmurs of a Discord acquisition began circulating in interest earlier this week but it looks like a deal could be reached soon. Discord has reportedly reached out to various companies in a bid for a buyer. Among the companies at the top of the list is Microsoft. The firm, fresh off its acquisition of Bethesda is said to have offered $10 billion.

The offer was apparently enough that Discord is now said to be in an “exclusive acquisition discussion” with Microsoft. The potential takeover could be tied to Microsoft’s recent rebranding of Xbox Live, renaming it Xbox Network. It makes sense that the company would change the title of this offering, if it were to somehow incorporate Discord. 

Discord’s growth as a video game chat site over the past 18 months has been immense. Not only is it a place where fans of various games can get together to discuss their favorite topics, but it’s routinely used by games like Destiny 2 and The Division 2 to “party up,” and take on specific missions in-game.

It’s also a platform game devs have used more and more to get news directly to its followers. Several companies use Discord to announce new updates to their games. It also allows them to more directly interface with fans without having to deal with as many people who only want to troll. 

Discord discussion threads also allow for more direct and organized chat than Twitter currently does. Of course, it’s not entirely clear if the purpose and goal of Discord would change should Microsoft acquire it and fold it into its newly branded Xbox Network.


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