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Mass Effect Legendary Edition Could Eventually Get Multiplayer

Game's Director Wants To See The Reception First
by Oliver VanDervoort on May 18, 2021   

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition project director Mac Walters has confirmed that Mass Effect 3's multiplayer could be added to the collection in the future if the demand is great enough. 

Walters talked to CNET this weekend when he spilled the beans. In that interview, he said he would "never say no" to adding in the multiplayer elements of Mass Effect 3. However, there is a big caveat to that comment. 

He and BioWare want to make sure that the Legendary Edition has the kind of public excitement that would mean more work on the game. 

"And then we'll ask ourselves if we have the resources and time to bring it up to the quality level we and fans want." He added.

In a previous interview, Walters said that leaving it out at launch came down to "knowing where the draw the line." It's not entirely clear what that means, but could be pointing at BioWare being better at knowing what it needs to get right, and what it can focus on much later, if at all. That could be a good sign for a company that has come under fire of late, for the quality of games its released. It's also had a problem continuing to support these types of games.

"When you look at the amount of effort that it was going to take to do that," Walters added. "It was easily commensurate if not greater than uplifting all of Mass Effect 1, and I think our focus was on the single-player experience.”

Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was a co-op experience that allowed players to team up to take on Reapers, Cerberus, Geth, and Collector forces. The thing that might have people excited for the addition in the future is that progress in the mode also earned that player rewards in the Galaxy at War system that influences the outcome of Mass Effect 3's story.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition launched last Friday and so far has been met with a very positive reaction. 


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