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Nintendo Switch Combined Q1 Sales of Xbox Series X and PS 5

Nintendo Switch leads Q1 2021 sales
by Luke Luby on May 24, 2021   

Microsoft and Sony have consistently had the most popular consoles of their generations. The PlayStation 2 is regularly ranked as the most popular and most bought console ever. That doesn't appear to be the case at the moment, however, as the Nintendo Switch is outselling both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. The news comes from a new report highlighting the first three months of 2021.

The report highlights that the Xbox Series X sold 1.31 million units while the PlayStation 5 sold 2.83 million, making a combined 4.1 million units sold. Naturally, shortages for parts and a lack of supply has kept these numbers relatively low. During the same period, though, the Switch sold 5.86 million units. The move marks a 12 percent increase on the console's sales from this time last year. As a result, it's fueling the company's success, with profits continuing to soar.

Like the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, however, the number of Nintendo Switch's sold could have been much higher. Specific parts needed for the console, which appear to be needed for all three companies, have been in short supply. Naturally, that's led to a significant number of people not being able to buy the Xbox or Sony consoles. Some of these players may have gotten tired of waiting and switched over to the Switch.

The Nintendo Switch isn't the only reason the company is making bank. Instead, its digital sales have continued to skyrocket. While this might be related to more people having the console, it also appears as though players are simply buying more games. A lot of this could be because of global lockdown restrictions because of the ongoing pandemic.

During the first quarter of 2021, Nintendo made $3.1 billion purely from its digital sales division. It looks as though Nintendo may be much more of a heavy hitter than people assumed.


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