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Pokemon Go Developer Planning Transformers AR Game

Set To Release Later This Year
by Oliver VanDervoort on June 19, 2021   

Pokemon Go creator, Niantic is shifting it's focus away from poke-battles to robot wars. 

Earlier this week, the company announced a deal with Hasbro that will allow it to produce a Transformers game that will take advantage of the AR tech that made the company so much money over the last few years.

Transformers: Heavy Metal, which Seattle-based game developer Very Very Spaceship is building for Niantic, is also scheduled for a full release in 2021. It will allow groups of players to battle digital robots, and Niantic will begin testing a pared-back version—with the robots appearing against a static background instead of looking like they exist in the real world—with a limited group of players in New Zealand this month.

Niantic has apparently been in discussions with Hasbro for almost a decade in order to try and build some sort of Transformers game. John Hanke, Niantic’s chief executive officer recently told the media that he has long believed that particular franchise has been ripe for this kind of game for quite a while now.

“This isn’t battle on a distant planet in a galaxy far, far away. It’s about giant robots coming to Earth and having battles in the middle of Los Angeles. For us, giant robots walking around the real world is just too good to pass up.”

So far, Niantic hasn't announced a release date other than "later this year." With tests of the pared down version going on in June, it seems unlikely the full game will arrive on smartphones before the fall.



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