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Microsoft Says That Other Games Ultimately Will Determine When Halo Infinite Releases

While Halo Infinite has a release window, the exact date will be determined by other games.
by Luke Luby on June 25, 2021   

Halo Infinite is scheduled for a release this holiday season. An exact release date, however, isn't yet known. That's reportedly because Microsoft is waiting for other titles to have their release dates announced first. As such, it could be a while before fans of the franchise find out when the game will finally come out.



Microsoft head of gaming Phil Spencer recently spoke about the game, which was originally supposed to be a launch title for the Xbox Series X/S. Multiple delays have affected the game, however, although some of these weren't related to the game itself. Speaking on the Dropped Frames podcast, Mr. Spencer detailed the thinking behind the release window.

As he claims:

For us, we know kind of our range in the three-to-four-week range. We don’t have yet the exact day, there’s some other things with some other game timing that we’re trying to look at. We’ll have better clarity over the summer, but this isn’t a months thing, this is just down to a few weeks, and so instead of picking this date and having to move it by a week, which at this point would feel like a fail, we don’t want to do that, let’s wait until we’re really solid on what the date is.

Phil Spencer went on to note that Microsoft has full confidence in the team behind Halo Infinite, saying that the company was especially confident about the game's quality. He also spoke about Starfield, it's appearance at E3 2021, and it's upcoming marketing. Speaking about a trailer that was unveiled during the event, Mr. Spencer said:

We put that game on a real pedestal, opening the show, largest viewership ever, all of the impressions of people now putting it on something that they want to watch."

Starfield is set to be released on November 11, while Halo Infinite is yet to have its release date confirmed.



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