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Marvel's Avengers' Spider-Man DLC Confirmed To Have Full Story

There had been a question as to whether it would just be a character add.
by Oliver VanDervoort on September 28, 2021   

Crystal Dynamics, the developer behind Marvel's Avengers, has confirmed that the PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man DLC will have story content and cutscenes when it finally launches later this year.

Crystal Dynamics' Senior Producer Dan Matlack responded to a fan's question on the official Marvel's Avengers Discord server that asked whether or not the webhead would come with his own storyline.

"Spider-Man is what we call an 'event' so he will have cutscenes and a story for sure," Matlack replied.

Marvel's Avengers developers first confirmed that Spider-Man would be coming to the game as a PlayStation exclusive character all the way back in August of last year.

At the time, fans expected the character to arrive in early 2021. The lack of a launch, while other characters were announced and added to the game had people concerned his DLC had been canceled. However, over the summer, Crystal Dynamics confirmed the web-slinger was still coming this year.

However, there still isn't an official release date. At this point, it seems likely Spider-Man won't be in Marvel's Avengers until sometime in December.


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