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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake In The Works

With more remakes potentially on the way
by Oliver VanDervoort on October 01, 2021   

Konami is about to ramp up remakes of some of its most popular franchises, according to several sources who spoke to VGC

Among those franchises that are set to get a remake is the Metal Gear universe, starting with Metal Gear Solid 3.

The last new Metal Gear game was 2018’s critically panned Metal Gear Survive. That particular installment was famously done without the man considered to be the driving force behind that franchise, Hideo Kojima. 

The struggles of that game were considered a contributing factor in the company slowing down its game developments. However, following a restructure to the company’s game development divisions earlier this year, Konami is now focused on bringing back its biggest brands to the premium games space

It appears that Konami is going to be working alongside an external studio, Virtuous. That company worked on the Switch ports of Dark Souls Remastered, The Outer Worlds and The BioShock Collection, as well as contributing art and content to blockbusters such as Battlefield 1, Uncharted 4, and Horizon Zero Dawn.

As always the rumor of a remake or remaster of MGS 3 has to be taken with a grain of salt, but it appears this particular rumor has been backed up with quite a bit of research and sourcing. On the flipside, it appears the development on the new Metal Gear Solid 3 is very early on, so it's unlikely we're going to hear anything solid for a while yet.


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