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Rating 5

Hitman 3 - Review

Killing You Softly
Score: 5/5
Reviewed by Oliver VanDervoort on PS4 - January 24, 2021   

IO Interactive has a specific formula for its Hitman series, and with Hitman 3, it seems as though they perfected that formula. This is the trilogy finale, and one of the surprising things about these games is that the story is excellent. Even riveting. There is the caveat that for me, at least, the story is secondary to the gameplay. But it wasn't like I was skipping through the cut scenes in order to get to the action. I had no problem watching and picking up what IO was putting down.

Having said that, it's going out on your own and taking care of the missions, literally however you want, that makes Hitman 3 one of those games that is not only fun and challenging the first time you play it, but something that also offers a ton of replayability.

In Like A Lamb, Or A Lion

Several games out on the market claim they offer you several different ways to play. When it comes to Hitman 3, those claims are backed up by great detail, no matter what approach you decide to take. 

If you're someone who wants to try and play through the levels without killing anyone, you can certainly do that. Should you need to take a witness out of commission, you can knock them out. Like the other games in the series, the drawback here is that should you only knock them out; you are running the risk of someone finding them, waking them, and ratting you out.

If you want to be a bit more of a cold blood killer, you can do that as well. Snapping necks and taking people out for good is a big part of the game. Should you really want to go buck wild, there are even rewards for clearing out an entire level with executions. However, in general, the game intends to cast Agent 47 as someone who only kills when he absolutely needs to. 

That means, as was the case in previous iterations that you will lose points for killing innocents. The game also recognizes that sometimes you're going to have to kill bystanders if something goes wrong, especially hired guards. Beyond losing a few points, you won't be punished otherwise.

Attacking no one who isn't directly involved, knocking out whoever you need to, or executing anyone who gets in your way really does offer three different ways to play, and they all have their merits. One approach never feels more inaccurate than the other, and none of the methods lead you to any kind of roadblock. You're going to have to be more patient if you go the pacifist route, but the targets and characters move around enough that you can get close enough to carry out your mission however you want.

Side Stuff Seems Interesting Rather Than Annoying

While the main goal is always to try and take out a target, or multiple targets, almost every level has some side quest stuff baked in. The great thing about Hitman 3 is that none of the side stuff feels like it was packed in there as filler. 

Instead, most of the side quests will eventually lead you to your goal or fill out the story as you move along. The map system in Hitman 3 will also help you complete these goals. However, there isn't an absolute need to finish the side quests either. That's another nice touch in this game. You really can finish the level however you like. Want a bunch of additional tasks? Do the side quests. Want just to get in, get out and get your target? You can do that too. 

"Multiple" ways to play really does cover Hitman 3 in that it allows you to approach the gameplay depending on your mood that day. Because of the many different approaches, the levels also offer a level of replayability that will have you going back to each of the maps to try things out after you've completed them.

Beautiful Level Design

On the PS5, Hitman has never looked better. IO has done a great job in all three games to offer up an excellent looking game. The level of realism helps drive the player forward. Of course, a next-generation console allows that much more. 

The development team also does a great job of making maps and levels that you will want to stop and take in from time to time. The sunning coming up over the horizon, glinting off windows, or streaming into a room is always gorgeous. There are intricate details in every building or house you enter as well. This level of detail and pretty look helps when it comes to wandering around the map to try and figure out how to take down the targets. You're never going to be bored by the appearance. It's fun to discover new areas and go around and look at every little thing.

Final Take

Hitman 3 doesn't do a ton of new things. Instead, it tends to improve on mechanics that were in the first two games. However, I did notice an improvement in how people do and don't recognize you. Hurrying past someone who might have seen something wrong about you, as long as you don't break into a sprint, will make them go back to ignoring you. 

Considering this to be when you're a face in a crowd. Other guards might notice that they don't recognize you, but you're gone quick enough; they just assume you're new, or they were wrong.

The little details all combine to make a fantastic game. It might, in fact, be the best game to come to the PS5 since the console's launch. That's not a low bar. Miles Morales is arguably more "fun" since you're swinging above the city, showing off superpowers and fighting comic villains, but doesn't have the replayability or interactivity that Hitman 3 has. 

There's a reason the game got a perfect score from us. It's a masterpiece that's well worth your money and time.



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