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Bwipo Joins Team Liquid For The 2022 Season

Bwipo joins Team Liquid, moves back to the top lane
by Tit Krajnik on November 23, 2021   

After months of rumours and speculation, Team Liquid announced Gabriël "Bwipo" Rau as their new top laner for the 2022 season. The 22-year-old joins Liquid after spending the last four years with Fnatic as a top laner and jungler.


Expected Move

Bwipo's move to Team Liquid has been reportedly in the making for several weeks; however, it wasn't until Monday, November 22, that the North American League of Legends team announced it. The announcement came just hours after Fnatic unveiled the departure of Bwipo, who left the European team after a four-year stint.

Since he first joined Fnatic in 2018, Bwipo has become an iconic member of the orange and black, leading the team to two domestic titles and four consecutive LoL World Championship appearances. Beyond that, Bwipo appeared in the 2019 LoL Worlds finals. 

During his stay at Fnatic, Bwipo was mostly a top laner but has displayed his flexibility by playing other roles as well. In 2018, Bwipo enjoyed a short stint as an ADC and had most recently transitioned to the jungle role for the LEC 2021 Summer Split.

As a jungler, Bwipo led Fnatic to the LEC 2021 Summer finals and appeared at the 2021 LoL World Championship. But, unfortunately, the European juggernauts couldn't deliver on the big stage, as they were dealing with internal issues, losing their star ADC player Elias "Upset" Lipp, who had to return home due to a family emergency.


Back To The Top Lane

Even though Bwipo has proven that he can play a jungle position at the highest level, he will return to the top lane in Team Liquid. At the North American team, Bwipo will replace Barney "Alphari" Morris, who left the team last week and is expected to make a return to the LEC next season.

Bwipo is Liquid's first signing of this offseason, with more changes set to follow. As rumoured, Liquid will only keep two players on the roster for the next season in jungler  Lucas "Santorin" Tao Kilmer and support Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in, meaning they still need to add a new ADC and a mid laner.

Although there are no official confirmations yet, Liquid is reportedly looking to sign Steven "Hans Sama" Liv as ADC and Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg as the team's new mid laner. If the rumours prove true, Liquid will not have a single NA native in the roster.

By joining Team Liquid, Bwipo will play outside of the European region for the first time in his career, excluding two short stints with Dark Passage in Turkey and RoX in the CIS league. 

The 2022 LCS season is set to start on January 14, with the Lock-In tournament. Meanwhile, the league competition will begin with the LCS 2022 Spring on February 8.


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