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Diablo Twitter Accounts Hints At Another Round Of Beta Testing

We could be getting another round of beta testing before the release of Diablo IV
by Tit Krajnik on April 20, 2023   

Diablo IV fans are hungry to get their hands on the game again, preferably before the official release on June 6. According to the latest tweet from an official Diablo account, this just might happen in the form of another beta test before the game's release.


Blizzard confirmed a Developer Update livestream for later today, supposedly including a special surprise announcement. While nothing more was said about what the surprise might be, the latest hint from Diablo's official Twitter account makes it seem like we could be getting another beta test.

While answering fans' questions, namely whether we'll get to play any more Diablo IV before the release, the Twitter account stated that it "can be arranged".

The response fuelled the fans' speculations of a possible new round of beta testing or even that Blizzard intends to release the game early. The latter option, however, seems very unlikely since it's rare for games to push their release dates forward.

There have been some exceptions, namely Factorio, which was released a month in advance; however, there was a good reason for it. Wube Software decided to push the release date of Factorio ahead as a response to Cyberpunk 2077's launch date – which was ultimately delayed by three months.

So even though we likely won't be getting our hands on Diablo IV quicker than expected, there seems to be a very good chance another round of beta testing is in the works. This round will give players a chance to playtest all the key improvements that have been made in response to the community following March's beta test, including class and boss balance and a number of quality-of-life changes.

The most notable changes that got implemented following the community feedback include dungeon backtracking, tweaked layouts, improved mechanics, boss difficulty, and buffs to Druids and Barbarians.

Recently we also got an update on Blizzard's plans for MMO elements in Diablo IV, which will supposedly be related to only the shared world, including the ability to help other players while doing events and world bosses. In the future, Blizzard also intends to build on the hack-and-slash soul of Diablo IV by expanding the role mechanics and providing tools for players who like to specialise their characters in a certain fashion.

Currently, Diablo IV's release date is set for June 6 for PlayStation, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC with full cross-play 


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