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Mortal Kombat Reboot To Be Revealed On Thursday

We’re just one day from the reveal of the new Mortal Kombat game
by Tit Krajnik on May 17, 2023   

According to the official Mortal Kombat Twitter account, we’re just one day away from the official reveal of Mortal Kombat 1. Posted on Wednesday, May 17, the Tweet read, “Tomorrow is new dawn,” hinting at big news on Thursday.


Warner Bros. and NetherRealm have been teasing their plans to release the next game in the long-running series for weeks, most recently with two videos that hinted at a series reboot. On Wednesday, May 10, Co-Creator of Mortal Kombat Ed Boon posted a video of a clock ticking from nine to ten before jumping over 12 to one.

A week later, on Wednesday, May 16, the official Mortal Kombat posted the same video with the clock, only this time it came with the message “It is Time. May 18 6am PT”, which essentially confirmed that the official game reveal is scheduled for Thursday, May 18.

The most recent franchise reboot happened in 2011, with the ninth mainline entry in the fighting game series. Although another reboot has not been officially confirmed, we have seen many teasers over the last weeks, which included a hint in the 30th-anniversary video of the series.

In the video, Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon thanked fans for “30 years of amazing support” and added, “We’re not quite done yet”. That, combined with a short clip of sand falling from an hourglass, was accepted by the fans as a strong hint at a reboot, which was supposedly leaked earlier this week.

A prominent leaker, The Snitch, suggested that Mortal Kombat’s announcement will likely be a CG trailer; however, it’s unclear whether Warner Bros. Games plans to show anything more in the future, potentially during the PlayStation Showcase, set for May 24.

According to reports, Mortal Kombat 1 will release on September 5 for Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS5, and PC.


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