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Riot Games Announces Four New Champions Skins

The continuation of the Shan Hai Scrolls skin line
by Tit Krajnik on May 31, 2023   

On Wednesday, May 31, Riot Games announced the release of a new batch of League of Legends skins, available for some of the least-played champions. The new skins, which look to be an update to fan favourite Shan Hai Scrolls skin line, will be added and available for Tahm Kench, Bard, Lillia, and Kog’Maw.


The release of skins for Tahm Kench, Bard, Lillia, and Kog’Maw comes as a surprise, given the champion’s low play rate. Tahm Kench, Bard, and Lillia, in particular, have not been popular in the current meta and boast a sub-4% pick rate.

The only exception to that is Kog’Maw, who recently saw his pick rate skyrocket due to the major changes to the ADC items, which made the “Mouth of the Abyss” a very strong ADC. Even though he had a poor sub-3% pick rate throughout most of the 2023 season, Kog’Maw is now regularly picked in ranked games and is featured in 10% of all ranked matches of the current patch.

Interestingly, Riot Games is known for releasing new champion skins right before champion buffs, which could be the case here. Bard, Lillia, and Tahm Kench are some of the least-played and weakest champions in the game, which might change with the upcoming update. But they also have another thing in common – the three champions haven’t received a new skin in over one year.

Lillia has been without a makeover for the longest and has not gotten a new skin since Nightbringer Lillia, which got added to the game in September 2021. Bard, on the other side, got its last skin (Cafe Cuties Bard) in December 2021, while Tahm Kench got his latest makeover in May 2022, with High Noon Tahm Kench skin.

The newly announced skins are the continuation of the Shan Hai Scrolls skin line, initially released in January 2021 and introduced skins for four champions, including – Neeko, Jhin, Cho’Gath, and Nautilus.

As seen in a short video, the new Shan Hai Scrolls skins will feature green, blue, and grey colours and aren’t as bright as the previous Shan Hai Scrolls releases. But they’re a nice addition to the game, nevertheless.

Riot Games has yet to confirm when the new Shan Hai Scrolls skins will be added, but it’s likely they’ll come with the next content update in June.



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