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World of Warcraft Gets A New "Chameleon" Mount

Players can now ride any mount in the game
by Tit Krajnik on June 14, 2023   

According to Public Beta Realm testers, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is set to get a new mount with a unique ability to transform into any mount in the game. The news was first shared by a prominent WoW content creator MrGM, who saw the mount drop on PTR in Dawn of the Infinite.

Quantum Courser, a new "chameleon" mount with the ability to transform into any mount in World of Warcraft's history, will join World of Warcraft with Patch 10.1.15, which is already set to be a massive update with a new mega dungeon, warlock pet customization, and many more features. Even though the patch has no confirmed release date, it's already available for playtesting on Public Test Realms (PTR), and one of the players who was trying out new features saw the mount drop from the new Mythic dungeon - Dawn of the Infinite.

Dawn of the Infinite, the new mega dungeon, will take players on a time-traveling mission to fight the Infinite Dragonflight and the Primal Incarnate Irdikron. While we've already gotten screenshots and the dungeon's layout, its full drop table has remained a mystery.

But as confirmed on Wednesday, June 14, one of the drops includes a new mount - Reins of the Quantum Courser, which will drop from the dungeon's final boss. According to screenshots, the Quantum Courser will change into any random mount when used, meaning it can change into any of the obtainable mounts from WoW's history.

In the example shown by MrGM, his party member got the Quantum Courser drop, and once used, it transformed into Midnight's Eternal Reins – a rare drop from Return To Karazhan.

It is unclear what pool of mounts is included in Quantum Courser, nor is it clear what the drop chance of Quantum Courser is; however, some speculate that it's a guaranteed drop, meaning players can farm the dungeon in hopes of winning Quantum Courser and get one of the obtainable rare mounts from WoW's history.

The Quantum Courser is not the only item of its kind. Patch 10.1.15 will also introduce other Quantum weapons and armor, which will behave in the same way – transforming its appearance to one of the obtainable weapons and armor from WoW's history.

How exactly Quantum items will behave is still a mystery, and we won't know for sure until Patch 10.1.15 drops this summer.


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