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First Payday 3 Patch Gets Delayed Again

One day, we'll get the game that we deserve.
by Natalie Collazo on October 16, 2023   

After a difficult launch riddled with server issues, Starbreeze Studios has promised a patch that would have fixed over 200 different issues in Payday 3; if it hadn't gotten delayed again. It's been nearly a month since the official launch, and it seems that players have become more and more anxious about whether they'll be able to jump in any time soon. A community and influence manager for Starbreeze, Elisabeth Elvestad, wrote on the game's official Discord:

"We’re sorry for the lack of communication regarding the first patch. We have identified some issues that need to be fixed before we can bring it to you, but rest assured that this is the main priority for our teams.

We're spending additional time revamping our patching process to ensure that we can have a steady cadence and momentum with patches going forward. We are careful with giving you an ETA right now, as we want to make sure we can deliver before we do so. Please bear with us. The patch (and more news) are coming."

Players have gone to social media to express their concern with users having less and less faith in the launch of new, AAA games, as they never seem to release as they were promised. With respect to Payday 3 specifically, co-op FPS is incredibly lacking, and the online-only requirement to play any aspect of the game has also been highly scrutinized.

On Steam, nearly 60% of all of its reviews are negative, with players stating the above issues as the reason, alongside many more. Although there is no release date for the patch, we can only hope that it comes sooner rather than later as the reputation of the studio hinges on whether or not they can deliver what players are expecting.

Check back with DailyGamer for more news and information about Starbreeze Studios and Payday 3! Consider checking us out on Twitter @realDailyGamer and tell us what else you'd like to see from us!


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