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PlayStation Portal Sold Out In Two Days Due To Resellers

Scalpers are at it again!!!
by Natalie Collazo on November 17, 2023   

PlayStation Portal Sells Out In Two Days Due To Resellers

PlayStation's newest handheld device, the PlayStation Portal, has sold out in two days due to resellers. The news that the PlayStation Portal sold out at the hands of scalpers doesn't come off as much of a shock as it should. The originally $200 handheld is going for anywhere between $300 and $500 on sites like eBay.

Resellers Ruin The PlayStation Portal Launch

The official Sony channels where you can pick up the PlayStation Portal have officially sold out. Unfortunately, it looks like those who picked it up are trying to make a profit instead. Those who are actually interested in it have to go out of their way to either locate a reseller or simply wait.

As we explained before, this isn't something new in the industry. Back in 2020, the PlayStation 5 dealt with so many scarcity issues that some players are still feeling it today. The fact that the PlayStation Portal can only operate if the player has a PlayStation 5 console makes the situation that much worse.

The PlayStation Portal is essentially a tablet that only works when plugged into a wireless connection. That connection needs to then connect with the PlayStation 5 that you have at home to stream those games to the PlayStation Portal. The only real issues that players seem to be encountering are the actual methods in which you can connect to WiFi. Besides the news that the PlayStation Portal sold out in two days, players can't even play their new PlayStation Portal on public WiFi.

If the connection requires you to go to a website to accept the terms and conditions, you might as well try not connecting. There are currently no means of accessing a web browser to accept the wireless connection at places like McDonald's, Starbucks, or even the airport.

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