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League of Legends Devs Consider Smolder Changes

Smolder will get an update amid poor performances across all ranks
by Tit Krajnik on February 04, 2024   

Released in late January 2024, Smolder has proven to be one of the most popular entries into League of Legends. However, despite its popularity, LoL developers are considering making changes due to Smolder’s poor win rate.

In a Twitter post, League of Legends lead gameplay designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison shared his team’s thoughts on Smolder and its performance one week after the champion’s release. The post included a poll asking the fans where they feel Smolder landed regarding power and performance.

Over 35% of people responded that Smolder was balanced, with over 30% considering the baby dragon weak, and just under 11% responded with “overpowered.” While the answers were spread across all possible options, the reality is that Smolder’s win % numbers aren’t that good.

How Good is Smolder?

League of Legends community is split on how strong Smolder is, but according to League developers, Smolder is not in a good spot. In a Twitter post, Phroxzon noted that Smolder has a low win rate, at around 44% across all ranks.

Interestingly, despite the poor win rate, Smolder is one of the most popular released in the recent League of Legends history.

“He’s sporting a massive 28 percent pick rate in regular play: it’s pretty fire to be more popular than Ezreal!”

Win rates that are far from 50% are pretty standard on new champions, and it often has to do with the fact that players are still learning how to play them properly. Depending on the champion’s complexity, the time it takes for players to get better varies; however, with Smolder, the players seem to be picking him up fairly quickly.

Phoroxzon added that another uncommon thing with Smolder is how quickly the players have improved with the champion, which sports one of the highest jumps in win rate from day one to day two in Masters and above. 

How Will Smolder Change?

Phroxzon has not confirmed how the developers plan to change and improve Smolder; however, he has shared some of the ideas the team has. 

Those include partial resets on spells, Smolder’s ultimate heal ratio, changing the attack speed, balancing Smolder to be playable both in mid and bottom lane, and ways to make E have more proactive use cases.

While some changes are planned, it seems like LoL developers still haven’t decided on how to fix Smolder and how to adjust the champion’s abilities.

League’s next patch, 14.3, is planned for Wednesday, February 7, and the patch notes do not mention Smolder. So unless there’s a micro patch planned for later this week, Smolder changes won’t be released until mid-February or later.

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